CFM members have the terminal degree in their respective field and are highly research active. We have members from the Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Computer Science, Art, and from the Institute for Regenerative Medicine.

Prof. Anthony Atala
Professor, Institute for Regenerative Medicine Wake Forest School of Medicine, WFIRM

Angika Bulbul
Teaching and Research Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics

Prof. David Carroll
Professor, Department of Physics
Wake Forest University, 108A Olin Physical Laboratory; Lab: Nanotechnology Center

Eric Chapman
Instructional Resources Manager, Department of Physics

Dr. Cynthia Day
Instrument Manager, Department of Chemistry

Dr. Rajeev Dhupar
Vice Chair of Research, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Wake Forest University School of Medicine

Prof. Joshua Dickenson
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering

Prof. Wendu Ding
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry

Patricia Dos Santos
Professor, Department of Chemistry

Dr. David Gainey
Visual Arts Technician, Department of Art

Prof. Elham Ghadiri
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry

Prof. Mallory Green
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry
Wake Forest University, 011A Salem Hall

Prof. Michael Gross
Professor, Department of Engineering

Prof. Martin Guthold
Professor, Department of Physics

Prof. Erin Henslee
Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering

Prof. Natalie Holzwarth
Professor, Department of Physics

Prof. Oana Jurchescu
Baker Professor of Physics

Prof. Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics

Dr. Carlos Kengla
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering

Prof. William Kerr
Research/Emeritus Professor, Department of Physics

Prof. Abdessadek Lachgar
Professor, Department of Chemistry

Prof. Nicole Levi
Associate Professor, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Prof. Kyle Luthy
Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering

Prof. G. Eric Matthews
Professor, Department of Physics

Gaurav Kumar Mishra
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Chemistry
Wake Forest University, Salem Hall 018B

Dundappa Mumbaraddi
X-ray Lab Instrument Manager, Department of Chemistry

Prof. Ronald Noftle
Research/Emeritus Professor, Department of Chemistry

Prof. Emmanuel Opara
Professor, Institute for Regenerative Medicine

Prof. Paul Pauca
Professor, Department of Computer Science

Prof. Elaheh Rahbar
Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering

Prof. Cedric Schaack
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry

Dr. Ashkan Shafiee
Research Scientist, Institute for Regenerative Medicine

Dr. Kadaba Swathi
Research Professor / Affiliate Researcher, Center for Nanotechnology and Quantum Materials

Prof. Timo Thonhauser
Wright Family Professor in Physics

Prof. K. Burak Ucer
Research Associate Professor, Department of Physics

Dr. Saif Ullah
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Physics

Prof. Mark Welker
William L. Poteat Professor of Chemistry

Prof. Steven Winter
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics

Dr. Marcus Wright
Director, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory

Prof. Saami K. Yazdani
Professor, Department of Engineering

Prof. Kyana Young
Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering