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Ph.D. graduate, Hamna Iqbal, wins the 2021 Gordon A. Melson Outstanding PhD Student Award

Ph.D. graduate, Hamna Iqbal, wins the 2021 Gordon A. Melson Outstanding PhD Student Award. This is a university award that recognizes performance in research productivity, quality, originality, importance, and impact in the field, along with outstanding academic record, activity in the discipline and university, and departmental citizenship.

Prof. Jurchescu wins the Graduate School Student Association Faculty Excellence Award.

Prof. Jurchescu wins the Graduate School Student Association Faculty Excellence Award.This award is to recognize a graduate school faculty member for his/her service to advance the graduate school program. The recommendation letters for the award were provided by graduate students and focus on the time devoted to interaction with the students, the commitment to the educational process, and excellence in teaching/mentoring.



Physics Professor Oana Jurchescu brings first NSF Special Creativity award to WFU

Group research aims to shorten the path from concept to commercialization for organic semiconductors.

A team of researchers at Wake Forest University, the University of Kentucky and Princeton University have received a rare and coveted National Science Foundation Special Creativity extension for their current grant. This award allows the group to take on high-risk, high-reward opportunities in electronic materials. Physics professor Oana Jurchescu leads the Wake Forest effort.

Only a very small number of NSF grants are awarded a Special Creativity extension. Jurchescu is the first WFU faculty member to receive this award. Special Creativity extension recipients are expected to transform their field.

For the full article please click here.


Prof. Winter awarded ORAU research grant

Assistant Professor of Physics, Dr. Steve Winter recently was awarded an ORAU research grant.


For the full article please click here.

Physics pioneers win NSF CAREER Awards

Physics pioneers win NSF CAREER Awards

Read full article here

Assistant Professor Elham Ghadiri’s research featured in the 2024 Emerging Investigators special issue of Journal of Materials Chemistry C.

Assistant Professor Elham Ghadiri’s research has been featured in the 2024 Emerging Investigators special issue of Journal of Materials Chemistry C. The work was also featured on the front cover of the journal. In this work Ghadiri’s research team demonstrate the strength of ultrafast microscopy to visualize the ultrafast light-driven chemical processes occurring in important semiconductor energy materials.


Read the full article here:

Assistant Professor Elham Ghadiri received 2025 BEST PAPER AWARD

Assistant Professor and CFM Core Member Elham Ghadiri got the 2025 BEST PAPER AWARD, a part of the Innovation Awards in Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics, at SPIE-PHOTONICS WEST, San Francisco, CA on Tuesday January 28th .

This award was a recognition of the research pioneered by Elham Ghadiri at Wake Forest University entitled “Ultrafast Transient Absorption Microscopy Imaging to Visualize Ultrafast Processes at the Nanoscale” Presented at Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XXI, SPIE-PHOTONICS WEST.