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Thursday, April 20, 2023

Dr. Swathi Kadaba will be the guest speaker and the title of the abstract is Scaling down the printed field-effect transistor: from science to technology readiness. 


This is our monthly CFM Seminar and lunch will be provided in the Olin Lobby Lounge beginning at 11:30 am.



Scaling down the printed field-effect transistor: from science to technology readiness

Developing electronic devices from solution processing has been seen as a breakthrough as we can utilize high throughput fabrication processes at the fraction of the cost as compared to their silicon counterparts. However, the complex interplay of material properties with the figures of merit of the device renders the dimensional downscaling of a printed field effect transistor (FET) non-trivial. My talk will be divided into two parts: In the first part, I will introduce the scientific efforts into achieving a fully scalable FET using printing technologies and direct writing fabrication that can attain resolutions equivalent to lithographic processes. Having achieved the goal of scaling down the FET channel, I will further show how the figure of merit parameters are affected when the injection electrode is no longer a perfect metal. The second part of my talk will present our initial step into developing a technology based on printed electronic materials. Finally, I will give you an overview of the innovation process in technology development and commercialization as followed in an R&D setting in the industry.